2014, Volume 6, Issue 1
Motivations and effects of practicing Nordic Walking by elderly people
Andrzej Knapik1, Edward Saulicz2, Andrzej Mysliwiec2, Mariola Saulicz2, Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz1
1Medical University of Silesia
2Academy of Physical Education
Author for correspondence: Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz; Medical University of Silesia; email: anetawarmuz[at]wp.pl
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Background: As a result of numerous advantages of Nordic Walking such as the movement simplicity, its affordability and availability for people of various ages and with different levels of fitness, this relatively young physical activity has been developing remarkably for several years. It has the potential of increasing physical activity among elderly people. Defining to what extent practicing Nordic Walking (NW) influences the general level of physical activity and the quality of life of elderly people.
Material/Methods: 161 people were examined (93 women and 68 men) at the age of 60 or above. In this group 48 practised NW: 33 women and 15 men. Health self-assessment was determined using the SF-36 questionnaire, whereas the level of physical activity using the SEWL questionnaire.
Results: Statistically significant differences were noted (p <0.05) between respondents practising NW and the control group at the level of both physical activity and health selfassessment.
Conclusions: Practising NW positively influences the increase of elderly people’s physical activity, translating to the level of health self-assessment
Key words: Nordic Walking, physical activity, self-assessment of health