2016, Volume 8, Issue 1
Comparison of time-motion analysis and physiological responses during small-sided games in male and female soccer players
Zbigniew Jastrzębski1, Łukasz Radzimiński1, Piotr Stępień2
1Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport
2Lodz Academy of Sport
Author for correspondence: Zbigniew Jastrzębski; Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport; email: zb.jastrzebski[at]op.pl
Full text
Background: The main purpose of this study was to compare the physiological response and time-motion analysis of male and female soccer players during 4 vs 4 small-sided games.
Material/Methods: Thirteen adult, professional, male and fifteen female soccer players, participated in the study. Small-sided games (4 vs 4) were performed in an interval format: 4 x 4 min, 2 min of active recovery. The distance covered by the players during small-sided games and heart rate responses were measured.
Results: The average intensity during the small-sided games was between 89.4 and 90.6% HRmax in male and between 88.9 and 90.2% HRmax in female players. The total distance covered by the male soccer players during four bouts of small-sided games was significantly (p < 0.0009) longer. During subsequent games the distance covered by men was 24.7%, 24.2%, 25.5%, and 24.6% longer, respectively, than in women.
Conclusions: The results of this study show that intensity (% HRmax) during 4 vs 4 small-sided games is similar in male and female soccer players. Both men and women covered a comparable distance at a speed below 4 m∙s-1. In contrast, the distance covered with a speed exceeding the velocity of 4 m∙s-1 was significantly longer in male soccer players.
Key words: gender differences, time-motion analysis, interval training, soccer training