2016, Volume 8, Issue 4
The kinematics of taekwon-do back kick
Jacek Wąsik1, Tomasz Góra1
1Institute of Physical Education, Tourism and Physiotherapy, Jan Dlugosz University of Czestochowa
Author for correspondence: Tomasz Góra; Institute of Physical Education, Tourism and Physiotherapy, Jan Dlugosz University of Czestochowa; email: tomek_gora[at]op.pl
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Background: The back kick (in taekwon-do terminology referred to as dwit chagi) is considered a powerful weapon in taekwon-do sparring. This paper attempts to identify the kinematic factors affecting the efficiency of the back kick on the basis of values obtained for foot and knee velocities and the duration of the kick.
Material/Methods: The study was based on 3 taekwon-do athletes (aged 16.3 ±0.6 years; weight 66.0 ±7.9 kg; height 172.0 ±7.0 cm). The case study relied on an Italian system called Smart-D, manufactured by BTS S.p.A., used for complex movement analysis.
Results: The mean resultant velocity of the dwit chagi determined in this study was 6.00 ±1.39 m/s, and the kick’s duration was 0.77 ±0.46 s. The mean maximum velocity was developed at the length of the leg equal to ca. 80% of its maximum length value.
Conclusions: The study shows that the resultant velocity of the kick correlates with the location of the foot (r = -0.86) and its velocity when aiming at the target (r = 0.98). Duration of the kick depends on the velocity of chambering up the knee (r = -0.65) and its extension directed at the target (r = -0.73) as well as the foot take-off (r = -0.69) and its lifting (r = -0.50) velocities.
Key words: taekwon-do, analysis of movement, kick kinematics, biomechanics of martial arts