2018, Volume 10, Issue 4
Paediatric physical activity and health: Moving towards a measure of quality
Cain C. T. Clark1, Claire M. Barnes2
1Engineering Behaviour Analytics in Sports and Exercise (E-BASE) Research Group, Swansea University, Faculty of Health and Life Science, Coventry University,
2College of Engineering, Swansea University, Engineering Behaviour Analytics in Sports and Exercise (E-BASE) Research Group, Swansea University,
Author for correspondence: Cain C. T. Clark; Engineering Behaviour Analytics in Sports and Exercise (E-BASE) Research Group, Swansea University, Faculty of Health and Life Science, Coventry University,; email: cain.clark@coventry.ac.uk
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It is clear that physical activity, holistically, is linked with several positive factors through the life course. There exists a large evidence base for physical activity quantity, yet there has been little integration of physical activity qualities, and whilst quality is a nebulous term, recent developments in literature suggest it may be a viable measure in the characterisation of physical activity. The purpose of the study was to comprehensively review the development towards a measure of physical activity quality.
A review of literature was conducted using online databases: Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar. A narrative review was subsequently prepared on the topic and development of physical activity quality.
Quantitative assessment of movement quality shows promise in the evaluation and measurement of physical activity, particularly in relation to motor development, fundamental movement skills and body mass indices.
Whilst measures of movement quality display promise, this is a burgeoning field of research contributing to physical activity literature, and as such, these measures must be refined, developed and investigated further.
Key words: physical activity, movement quality, health, children