2020, Volume 12, Special Issue 1
Sport and Tourism. Yesterday - Today - Tommorow
Eds. Dariusz Jacek Olszewski-Strzyżowski and Raluca Buhas
The institutional effect on leisure time and competitive sports at higher education colleges and universities in the Carpathian Basin
Klára Kovács1, Marianna Moravecz2, Zsuzsa Nagy3, Dávid Rábai4, Dániel Szabó2
1Institute of Education and Cultural Studies, University of Debrecen
2Institute of Physical Education, University of Nyíregyháza
3Educational and Cultural Doctoral Programme, University of Debrecen
4Department of Child Education, University of Debrecen
Author for correspondence: Klára Kovács; Institute of Education and Cultural Studies, University of Debrecen; email: kovacs.klara@arts.unideb.hu
DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.12.Spec.Iss1.06
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Background: The objective of our study is to reveal the resources within colleges and universities that may influence the leisure-time and competitive sports done in the respective institutions. For the theoretical background of our research, the models examining the institutional effects were used. Strange [1] arranged the models into four categories.
Material and methods: In the course of our research, structured dialogues were carried out with PE teachers, sports leaders in the institutions of Eastern Hungary, in the Highlands, Voivodina, Transylvania and Partium. ATLAS.ti text analyzing software was used to analyze and process our findings.
Results: In accordance with our findings, the institutions were arranged into four categories: Competitive-sport oriented institutions, institutions using sport as a means of creating and reinforcing the community, institutions that minimize physical culture, and institutions that only deal with the required physical education classes.
Conclusions: At the section of our research related to leisure-time sport, we found that substantial financial resources, adequate infrastructural conditions, facilities, and a positive attitude of the leaders of the institution are very important. In connection with competitive sports, we may conclude that sport is highly prestigious, and competitive sport is used effectively to attract students to the university.
Key words: leisure sport activity, competitive sport, higher education, students, institutional effect
Cite this article as:
Kovács K, Moravecz M, Nagy Z et al. The institutional effect on leisure time and competitive sports at higher education colleges and universities in the Carpathian Basin. Balt J Health Phys Activ. 2020;12:46-59. doi:10.29359/BJHPA.12.Spec.Iss1.06
Kovács, K.., Moravecz, M.., Nagy, Z.., Rábai, D.., & Szabó, D.. (2020). The institutional effect on leisure time and competitive sports at higher education colleges and universities in the Carpathian Basin. Balt J Health Phys Activ, 12, 46-59. https://doi.org/10.29359/BJHPA.12.Spec.Iss1.06
Kovács, Klára , Moravecz Marianna , Nagy Zsuzsa , Rábai Dávid , Szabó Dániel . 2020. "The institutional effect on leisure time and competitive sports at higher education colleges and universities in the Carpathian Basin". Balt J Health Phys Activ 12: 46-59. doi:10.29359/BJHPA.12.Spec.Iss1.06
Kovács, K.., Moravecz, M.., Nagy, Z.., Rábai, D.., and Szabó, D.. (2020). The institutional effect on leisure time and competitive sports at higher education colleges and universities in the Carpathian Basin. Balt J Health Phys Activ, 12, pp.46-59. https://doi.org/10.29359/BJHPA.12.Spec.Iss1.06
Kovács, Klára et al. "The institutional effect on leisure time and competitive sports at higher education colleges and universities in the Carpathian Basin." Balt J Health Phys Activ, vol. 12, 2020, pp. 46-59. doi:10.29359/BJHPA.12.Spec.Iss1.06
Kovács K, Moravecz M, Nagy Z et al. The institutional effect on leisure time and competitive sports at higher education colleges and universities in the Carpathian Basin. Balt J Health Phys Activ 2020; 12: 46-59. Available from: doi:10.29359/BJHPA.12.Spec.Iss1.06