2021, Volume 13, Special Issue 1
Physical activity and disability - a dichotomy in the space of personal security
Remigiusz Dróżdż1
1Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport
Author for correspondence: Remigiusz Dróżdż; Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport; email: remigiusz.drozdz@awf.gda.pl
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Background: Out of the three cognitive categories that are crucial to the formulation of the problem addressed in this article, physical activity and disability as well as personal security have been the subject matter of numerous scientific analyses, but there are very few references associating them with one another. The aim of this article is to interpret the current state of knowledge concerning each of these fields as well as to assess the bibliographic resource relating to their integral inclusion.
Method: A query of foreign and Polish monographs as well as scientific periodicals, available both in traditional and electronic form, was adopted as the research method. In terms of time, the presented state of research works refers to spring 2021.
Results: Analyses of the relationship between personal security and physical activity are available primarily in the context of creating confidence, improved quality of life and well-being. Associations between personal security and disability minimally relate to the concurrent physical activity.
Conclusion: The results of source analysis argue for the need to promote research projects on the sense of personal security among those with disabilities who engage in physical activity and those who avoid it.
Key words: physical activity, disability, personal security