2016, Volume 8, Issue 1

Table of Contents

Original Article

Characteristics of leisure sports activity in a population with high cardio-vascular disease mortality
Mikola Misjuk, Margit Kaldmäe, Margus Annuk, Margus Viigimaa
DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.08.1.01

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Views: 1951 Downloads: 1172

Changes in leukocyte HSPA1A, HSPB1 mRNA in basketball players after plyometric training
Małgorzata Żychowska, Eglė Kemerytė-Riaubienė, Audrius Gocentas, Nijole Jascaniniene, Grzegorz Chruściński
DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.08.1.02

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Views: 2002 Downloads: 1144

Vertical jump peak power estimation in young male gymnasts
Andrzej Kochanowicz, Bartłomiej Niespodziński , Jan Mieszkowski, Kazimierz Kochanowicz, Mariusz Zasada
DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.08.1.03

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Views: 1993 Downloads: 3084

Changes in special fitness efficiency of ten-year-old tennis players in the annual training cycle
Tomasz Waldziński, Ewa Waldzińska
DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.08.1.04

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Views: 962 Downloads: 1172

Comparison of time-motion analysis and physiological responses during small-sided games in male and female soccer players
Zbigniew Jastrzębski, Łukasz Radzimiński, Piotr Stępień
DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.08.1.05

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Views: 1209 Downloads: 1628

The hostility syndrome as a profile differentiating football spectators
Karol Görner, Janusz Zieliński, Adam Jurczak
DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.08.1.06

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Views: 1169 Downloads: 1719

How can cognitive science contribute to sport? How can sport contribute to neuroscience?
Sławomir Kujawski, Agnieszka Kujawska
DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.08.1.07

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Views: 1312 Downloads: 1116

Natural law and acts of extreme climbers – agonists of the mountain stadium
Andrzej Pawłucki
DOI: 10.29359/BJHPA.08.1.08

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Views: 879 Downloads: 1225